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Your Student engage in traditional art forms learning painting methods, origin of Indigenous Art Styles and Dream time story attached to artwork. Each student will be able to take their Boomerang home to show parents and family. A fun engaging Activity for all ages. (boomerangs are at extra cost $5 per student)
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***Please Contact us before Purchasing to check your Date and Times are Available ***
Welcome to Country Speech by Spokesperson of the Tribe and Smoking Ceremony to cleanse the way for a new path...a new beginning
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***Please contact us to check your Date and Time is Available before Purchase***
A Welcome to Country Speech by an Elder or Spokesperson of the Tribe and Didgeridoo Playing with explanations, gaining crowd involvement.
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On Sale
***Please Contact and Check your Date and Times Available before Purchase***
Complete set for a Welcome to Country at Your Event. A Welcome to Country Speaker, Tribal Dancers-Song Dance Chants, Didgeridoo playing and Smoking Ceremony all inclusive in the price. .
Duration 10 - 25mins depending on your event time request
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On Sale
Shannon Ruska has delivered Welcome to Countries for 25 years in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, Redlands. As a bloodline decendent Yuggera, Turrbal, Nunukul, Gorenpul/Cooperoo, and Yugembir his knowledge of language and stories that relate to the local areas is phenomenal performing to over 15 million people world wide. Shannon will engage your crowd from the first word spoken to having them up on there feet having fun dancing. A mastermind of the stage your guests will never forget.
***Please Contact us to Check Date and Time is available before Purchase***
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A world acclaimed Brisbane Aboriginal Dance group will welcome your guests through tribal Song, Dance Didgeridoo, Storytelling, and Primitive Fire Lighting with 2 sticks. This group has performed to over 4000 Conventions, Festivals, Schools and International appearances on World Stages around America, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, England, Malaysia, Korea, Greece, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand. They have Welcomed over 10 million people to Brisbane since 1995. Your guests will not be disappointed when the Brisbane Aboriginal Dance Troupe take the stage.
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On Sale
Aboriginal Story Tellers are the keepers of the 65,000 year old knowledge. Taught by Uncle and Aunties before them the Storytellers take you on a unique journey. From Ancient Dreamtime to the Modern day, hear how the oldest culture known to Man has survived the Ages.
A fun Interactive Session for all ages.
Stories are the most Valuable part to the Yuggera-Toorabul Culture and the Brisbane Tribes are the Automatic Copy write Owners and Intellectual Property Owners of their Tribal regions history
PRICES START FROM $4900 +gst Depending on Projects