Online Cultural Awareness and Capability available 24/7
Why not join us Online to authentically educate your staff about First Nations Australia.
This exciting new delivery is driven by Shannon Ruska, Kayleen O'Chin and Ivy Hill bringing extensive knowledge of 70+ years combined working in various fields as Indigenous Engagement officers for Corporate, Government and Community. Our authentic Online Courses are designed to help employees and directors better understand Australia's 65,000 year old culture to the modern day and how best to engage communities in your area to better your Company values for your Reconciliation Action Plans embedding for all employees to access anytime.
Tribal Experiences Australia Education Online
Why not join us Online to authentically educate your staff about First Nations Australia.
This exciting new delivery is driven by Shannon Ruska, Kayleen O'Chin and Ivy Hill bringing extensive knowledge of 70+ years combined working in various fields as Indigenous Engagement officers for Corporate, Government and Community. Our authentic Online Courses are designed to help employees and directors better understand Australia's 65,000 year old culture to the modern day and how best to engage communities in your area to better your Company values for your Reconciliation Action Plans embedding for all employees to access anytime.
Tribal Experiences Australia Education Online